Agee Baldwin1 Comment

Coming Clean About My Addiction

Agee Baldwin1 Comment
Coming Clean About My Addiction

Here’s the thing. I have a love-hate relationship with cooking. A serious one. On the one hand, cooking is amazing! It affords you the opportunity to unwind, to transform a pile of random things into (in most cases) a delicious meal…B U T…on the other hand have you ever ordered food without pants because BAYYYBEEEE it’ll change your life…

I am also sad to report after much research that ordering food also changes your wallet. We are talking $15 dollars for a muffin and a cinnamon roll…

Despite my best efforts I knew if had any chance of flexing hard on the ‘gram worldwide I was going to have to have to tighten my wallet and my waistline. Thank God for Google and YouTube!

Full Disclosure: I love food…like a lot. I don’t mean in that cutesy way people say when they are trying to impress a Tinder date when trying to decide where to go for a dinner that will end up being a salad. Sweetie…I LOVE IT. I love it so much I have a folder of saved food accounts saved on my Instagram.

Purchasing this pan made me feel like such an adult I literally made an eye appointment. I felt powerful but also like...unprepared.
— ageebee